The Benefits of Webinars for Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Training

25 Jun, 2021

Deciding which Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Training institution in South Africa to attend to further your skillset is no easy task. It’s even trickier when the course you are interested in is offered in a different city. But that shouldn’t mean having to settle for training programmes that your heart isn’t set on or worse, not further your skillset at all – especially when SafetyCloud offers convenient online webinars as part of its learning and development offering.

For those unfamiliar with the term, an online training webinar is a live and interactive seminar that enables people to attend digital lectures via video conferencing. It presents individuals and groups with the opportunity to listen and engage with their trainer remotely, view the online lecture on their computer screen, and ask questions either through voice or instant messaging. All that is needed is a computer, a stable internet connection and your undivided attention.

Reasons to choose webinars for professional advancement:

Convenient to attend
Attendees can log-in to a webinar in any location that is convenient to them, such as home, office or a café. It saves time and the effort to travel to a physical venue. In this way, there is less disruption to people’s lives, especially employees, as they can train and participate without their workplace deliverables being negatively affected.

Flexibility and recordings
Webinars can be recorded during a live broadcast and accessed repeatedly when uploaded online, enabling those with busy schedules and last-minute emergencies to fit their training session into their own schedule at a later time. This flexibility ensures that students don’t miss any classes that are essential to earning their chosen qualification. Recordings also allow revisits to refresh one’s memory on the content learned.

Cost-effective training
Webinar training materials are often provided in digital format, reducing the cost of printing learning materials. No travelling to training sessions also saves on petrol and travel costs, making webinars ideal for face-to-face learning at a lower self or business expense.

Learning in a safe environment
Considering the current global health climate, webinars are ideal for studying in a safe space. As there is no in-person interaction, learners have a reduced chance of contracting the Coronavirus or any other human-to-human infections that pass through close physical contact.

With webinars and e-learning courses now an established part of the SafetyCloud curriculum, learners have access to a wide variety of training courses that can be accessed here. Register for one of our online webinars and find yourself one step closer to enhanced skills and performance in health and safety in the workplace.