With lockdown regulations having been eased, more and more businesses have been given the opportunity to open their doors to the public again. What this means at NOSA is the ability to offer personalised classroom training once more, and to provide much-needed health and safety training at a critical time.
Of course, along with open doors come strict COVID-19 Compliance protocols as well, to ensure a learning environment that’s safe and stress-free for students and educators alike. For this reason, NOSA has appointed a COVID-19 Project Team and Committee to implement a COVID-19 prevention and mitigation plan, and is committed to establishing proper health and safety controls and practices throughout its classrooms and training centres.
Making learning safe for everyone
Keeping COVID-19 Compliance in mind, NOSA has put the following safety protocols in place:
Access Procedures
In order to access NOSA training centres, students must first:Add bullets
- Report to a monitoring station.
- Sign the visitors’ register.
- Sanitise their hands before and during their time on NOSA premises.
- Wear a face mask at all times.
- Be screened for temperature and other common COVID-19 symptoms, with anyone exhibiting such symptoms (e.g. a temperature over 37.5˚C, sore throat, runny nose, headache) leaving immediately to seek medical attention.
Precautionary Measures
As a responsible member of the health and safety industry, NOSA will take the following precautionary measures as a company:
- Once classes begin, NOSA trainers will provide safety induction on COVID-19 Compliance.
- Desks, chairs, handrails and classrooms will be disinfected four times a day.
- Desks will be placed 1.5 to 2m apart from each other to ensure social distancing.
- A maximum of 10 students will be allowed during class, with little to no group work involved.
- Hand sanitiser will be available during all classes.
To give yourself the best chance of staying safe and healthy at all times, we encourage you to follow the recommended safety procedures:
- Wear your mask at all times.
- Do not shake hands or come into close contact with others.
- Inform us if you have come into contact with an infected person.
- Bring your own pen to sign your registration documentation.
- Keep a safe social distance of 1.5 to 2m from others at all times.
- Avoid gathering in groups during break times.
- Wash your hands with soap often, for at least 20 seconds.
- Sneeze or cough into your elbow, rather than your hands.
- Avoid touching your face whenever possible.
- Make use of the hand sanitiser provided.
- Do not share your stationery or study materials with other students.
Other Procedures
In order to ensure your complete safety while training with NOSA, we recommend you adhere to the following safety protocols:
- Bring your own food and beverages from home, and maintain a 1.5 to 2m distance from others when dining.
- Bring your own utensils, and a packet to put them in.
- Do not share your food or beverages with others.
- Bring your own stationery and ensure that it is sanitised before and after use.
Emergency Travel Kit Tips
Finally, give yourself the best chance of staying safe by creating and carrying a travel kit with you at all times, consisting of:
- Spare masks (at least two).
- Sets of spare gloves (if you are wearing gloves).
- Alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
- Five waterproof plastic bags (preferably zip-lock) to hold any used tissues, masks or gloves.
- Sanitising wipes to wipe purses, bank cards, steering wheels/gear levers, door handles, etc. after use.
While there are a number of guidelines that need to be followed, rest assured that these have all been designed with your continued safety in mind. Contact us today for more information on our Compliance protocols or our training courses, and let’s create an environment that prioritises health and safety for all.